The anniversary of 'Aapanach' is celebrated on a Sunday in September every year. A lecture by some special guest is organised on this occasion. Besides, occasional lectures are organised as per requirement. These are generally open to all. Lectures organised to celebrate the anniversary bring forth the experience of other organisations. 'Aapanach' gets guidance from them.

Below is the list of a few renowned guest lecturers in past 15 years:

Anniversary-Organisational Experience:

  • Dr. Ram Takwale
  • Anil Shidore
  • Dr. D. N. Dhanagare
  • Dr. Rajanikant Aarole
  • Dr. Shaila Lohiya
  • Dr. Girish Kulkarni
  • Vivek Ponkshe
  • Suresh Padhye
  • Renutai Gavaskar
  • Dr. Pramod Moghe

Lectures that guided us thoroughly:

  • Dr. R. H. Dave
  • Dr. Marmar Mukhopadhyay
  • Dr. Sudesh Mukhopadhyay
  • Deepak Shikarpurkar
  • Kiran Kulkarni
  • Beena Joshi
  • Ravindra Surve
  • Vivek Velankar
  • Dr. Umesh Pradhan

Seminars/ Workshops :

With an aim to enrich 'Aapanach' even further, a variety of seminars and workshops are arranged. Just a glance at the very topics of these seminars, participant beneficiaries and places is enough to highlight the significance of the efforts regarding quality education by this small organisation. 

The following table summarises a few significant seminars/ workshops/ symposia:

  • Year- June 2000  Type-Workshop  Sub: Listening skills and methods of studies for the 8th std. Students  Expert/Advisor – Dr. Suman Karandikar; Place & Beneficiaries- J. R. City High school, Dhule, 80 students
  • Year- Aug. 2000 Type- Workshop Sub: Effective learning-teaching-Expert/ Advisor- Dr. Chitra Sohani, Dr. Lalita Aagashe, Dr. Sheela Kolatakar, Jayant Pathak; Place & Beneficiaries- Aapte Prashala, Pune. 250 B. Ed. Students in Pune.
  • Year-Oct. 2000Type- Workshop Sub: Emotional Intelligence Expert/ Advisor-Dr. Bhalvankar, Dr. Modi, Dr. Sohani, Dr. Raut (? Please check), Dr. Karandikar;
    Place & Beneficiaries- 60 students from P. V. D. T. Mahila Shikshan Vidyalay, Mumbai.
  • Year- March 2000 Type- Seminar on state level-Sub. – Professional training for the school drop-outs Expert/ Advisor – Dr. Meenal Naravane, Dr. Suman Karandikar; Place & Beneficiaries- Pune
  • Year-2001 Type-Workshop Sub.- Action(based) Research Expert/Advisor- Dr. V. S. Deshpande; Place & Beneficiaries-150 students of Sarswati Mandir Kanya Shala, Solapur
  • Year-2003, Type- Seminar Enhancement of quality in education Expert/ Advisor - Dr. V. S. Deshpande; Place & Beneficiaries- Ratnagiri Edu. Soc., Ratnagiri Gogate-Jogalekar Mahavidyalay (High school)
  • Year-2004 Type- Workshop-Technique of Story telling Expert/ Advisor- Renutai Gavaskar, Beena Joshi Place & Beneficiaries- Maharashtra Vidyalay
  • Year- 2005 Type- Seminar- Geography-Making models/ replicas- Expert/ Advisor- Ravindra Dikshit, Sanjay Place & Beneficiaries- 66 teachers from Maharashtra Vidyalay, Pune.
  • Year-2006- Type-Workshop –Physical Theatre- Expert/ Advisor- David Greaves; Place & Beneficiaries- 65 people from Vimalabai Garware Prashala (High school)
  • Year- 2008 Type- Workshop Sub.-Speaking English- Improvisation Expert/Advisor-  Arun Belsare, Jayant Pathak Place & Beneficiaries- Teachers from rural areas-SIP project
  • Year- 2011 Type- Workshop Sub.- Research Methodology Expert/ Advisor- Dr. Jogalekar Place & Beneficiaries-  Members of ‘Apanach’.
  • Year 2012- Type- Workshop Sub. – Research paper writing Expert/ Advisor- Dr. Ajay Kolhatkar Place & Beneficiaries- Members of ‘Apanch’.  

Note: About 2700 beneficiaries through (approx) 45 seminars.