The management of the organisation was established to ensure that the work should progress according to the goals after registration.
The Constitution of the Organization guides the activities by delineating responsibilities of the following organs -
1. Board of Trustees -
The panel of trustees decides on strategic planning according to the constitution. The panel of trustees makes sure that the programmes are planned in keeping with the goals and strategies of the organisation and guides them. the present members are -
1.1 Dr. Suman Karandikar (The President)
1.2 Dr. Anant Deshmukh ( The Chairman)
1.3 Dr. Sheela Kolatkar
1.4.Shri. Jayant Pathak (The Secretary)
1.5 Shri. Sushrut Vaidya
2. The Executive Committee -
The executive committee does planning to execute the programmes, distributes tasks, gathers funds and takes care of similar issues. A team of experts, members and volunteers helps execute the plans successfully.
2.1 Dr. Anant Deshmukh (The Chaiman)
2.2 Shri. Jayant Pathak (The Secretary)
2.3 Dr. Bhavana Joshi (The Treasurer)
2.4 Smt. Veena Adkar (The Joint Secretary)
2.5. Smt. Yashashri Karve (Member)
2.6 Dr. Sheela Kolatkar (Member)
2.7 Smt. Varsha Godbole (Member)
2.8 Dr. Rajashree (Member)
2.9 Smt. Kshama Rahirkar (Member)
2.10 Shri. Vivek Joshi (Member)
2.11 Dr. Neelima Sapre (Member)
2.12 Shri. Sharad Umaranikar (Member)
2.13 Shri. Avinash Kulkarni (Member)
2.14 Smt. Anuradha Bhingarkar(Member)
3. Advisory Committee -
Renowned Persons from the field of Education and other walks of life are invited to be members of this Committee. They give their sage advice on conduct of the projects and other activities of the Organization. The present members are -
3.1 Dr. Suman Karandikar (Chairperson)
3.2 Dr. Vasant Deshpande (Member)
3.3 Dr. Neelkanth Soman (Member)
3.4 Smt. Jyotee Gadhave (Member)
3.5 Smt. Gari Deshmukh (Member)
3.6 Smt. Madhuri Deshpande (Member)
3.7 Shri. Shyam Vipat (Member)
3.8 Shri, Yashwant Dandekar (Member)
3.9 Shri. Raveendra Surve (Member)
3.10 Prof. Aravind Kapole (Member)
3.11 Honourable Member Prof. Raveendra Dave (Former Director, UNESCO Institute of Education, Hamburg, Germany)
4. The General Body
It consists of all types of members - ordinary as well as life members. They keep vigil on the working of the Organization through discussion the Annual Report as well as the Audit Report submitted by the appointed recognized company. The yearly audit of accounts is done by the appointed recognized company. Approval on the statement of income & expenses and on the annual report is sought in the AGM.
Special Features:
*All members of the organisation share one common bond of -
‘The concern for education and enhancing the quality of education’.
Renowned educationists, research scholars, principals, headmasters, lecturers, teachers, students, parents, citizens et al work voluntarily for the organisation without any remuneration.