‘The present education system’ is an issue of great concern to everybody.
These problems range from micro to macro.
The Education System faces many problems today, from micro to macro level. Every one feels concerned about the situation. Although the Government and many NGOs are providing some solutions, the People at large should feel the necessity of understanding the nature of the problems and their plausible solutions.
Although there is no ‘master key’ to these problems, we can always try to find the solutions. Of course, the government, administration do shoulder these responsibilities, but we too can do our bit in this regard. The same thought inspired a few education enthusiasts to come together on 26 December, 1984. A group called ‘Aapanach’ was formed that informally tried to find solutions to some of the problems in the field of education through ‘research’ and ‘action.’ Enthused by its own work and consistency, the group decided to register itself as a Public Trust. At the same time, the nature of work was made formal from informal. The organisation was registered on 13th September, 1999.(Reg. No. Maharashtra, 1245/2000/Pune).